With myRE360 we make it easy for you to build your real estate team or create new relationships at the push of a button.  No longer are the days where you have to attend multiple real estate meet ups, expos, or ask around for referrals.  myRE360 takes the guess work out of the process and makes it easy for you to verify that a company does good business with real estate investors. 

Before You Start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process:

  • myRE360 has a list of vendors that know how work with Real Estate Investors
  • You can establish a relationship with a vendor and add them to your real estate team
  • Vendors have badges and ratings, just like buyers and sellers

Find a Vendor

To find a vendor you have 2 options.  First, from your dashboard you can view the My Team section and click the Find a Vendor button on the far right.  Second, you can click the Build Your Team link in the top menu.  

Once you are on the vendor search page you have the option to view all vendors or to filter based on options such as:

  • Vendor type
  • Verified
  • Badge type
  • Sub-market

In the vendor list you can view badges and ratings for each company based on actual feedback from investors who have completed transactions with the vendor. 

Once you find the vendor that you are looking for you can view their profile, add them to your team, or send them a message.  You should always complete your own due diligence and ensure that a vendor is the right match for your business goals.